Thursday, December 30, 2010

LAHB - coupler mod

i discovered a new coupler mod for the LAHB,let's get started.

First get your LAHB and disassemble it.

Remove the trigger,we will focus on the barrel.

Using pipecutters,cut the barrel as close to the stub as you can.

Now grab a pvc coupler or connector that is the right size for the pvc of your choise,for me it's a 13mm pvc connector,sand it out on one side if it doesn't fit.use a hammer to hammer on the pvc connector for a really snug and air tight fit.throw on some epoxy or JB weld for a permanent bond.

when you're done,it should look like this.

Now yu can use a sanding bit to widen the hole that holds the barrel OR you could use sharp scissors to cut a v shape on the two walls till a pvc coupler/connector lies flat on itdo it on the other half too.

which is something like this,if you have glued on your pvc coupler/connector,just lay the setup and check if it lies flat.
when you're done cutting,you should get something like this.

make sure your internals will look like this,unless it's the older big blast.

now close everything up,throw on a barrel and enjoy!

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